Voir aussi:
Koumbit à l'Arin
https://whois.arin.net/rest/org/RKN/pocs Les contacts relié à Koumbit
Requesting IP allocation from ARIN
We are in the process of looking at resource allocations directly from ARIN. This is a complicated bureaucratic process that involve multiple steps. Bear with us.
Create a ARIN Online account
Those accounts are per person accounts, so no role emails like noc@ and so on here. I (anarcat) created myself an account to recover the RKN OrgID.
Create a POC
https://www.arin.net/resources/request/poc.html with all the details
In short,
- Create an account on arin.net
- Confirm your email
Ask to be link to "koumbit" https://www.arin.net/public/secure/poc/link.xhtml
See above Koumbit à l'Arin to see the account already linked to Koumbit
Create an OrgID
Example: http://whois.arin.net/rest/org/RKN
I have requested that RKN to be linked with my POC. See 79414
Request IP allocation
https://www.arin.net/resources/request/ipv4_initial_alloc.html https://www.arin.net/resources/request/ipv6_initial_alloc.html
apparently, the first IPv6 allocation is free, so we should probably just go ahead with that too while we're here.
See IPv6 for this too.
Note: there's already: http://whois.arin.net/rest/net/NET-209-44-112-0-1.html http://whois.arin.net/rest/rdns/112.44.209.in-addr.arpa.
Create an ASN
Changing reverse DNS authority
The ARIN Online site is where you can change your reverse DNS authority ("glue") records. If your IP block was SWIP'd to you (reassigned), then you can make those changes in the "Manage resources" tab of the ARIN Online website.
Verifying the delegation
Lets answer the question? Which dns server has the authority to map the reverse name for an ip (PTR).
We use the nslookup command, then we ask the root dns server, about our ip, it's pointing us to another dns server which then ask, then another one... until the last delegation! yes, it's Koumbit!
$ nslookup > server a.root-servers.net Default server: a.root-servers.net Address: Default server: a.root-servers.net Address: 2001:503:ba3e::2:30#53 > Server: a.root-servers.net Address: Non-authoritative answer: *** Can't find No answer Authoritative answers can be found from: in-addr.arpa nameserver = a.in-addr-servers.arpa. ...... > server a.in-addr-servers.arpa. Default server: a.in-addr-servers.arpa. Address: Default server: a.in-addr-servers.arpa. Address: 2001:500:13::73#53 > Server: a.in-addr-servers.arpa. Address: Non-authoritative answer: *** Can't find No answer Authoritative answers can be found from: 199.in-addr.arpa nameserver = arin.authdns.ripe.net. .... > server arin.authdns.ripe.net. Default server: arin.authdns.ripe.net. Address: Default server: arin.authdns.ripe.net. Address: 2001:67c:e0::10#53 > Server: arin.authdns.ripe.net. Address: Non-authoritative answer: *** Can't find No answer Authoritative answers can be found from: 80.58.199.in-addr.arpa nameserver = ns3.koumbit.net. 80.58.199.in-addr.arpa nameserver = ns1.koumbit.net. 80.58.199.in-addr.arpa nameserver = ns2.koumbit.net.
- 500$ initially, 100$/yr unless there is another allocation
- IPv4 /21 (8 X /24)
- $1,250$/yr
- IPv4 /20 or /29 (16 or 32 X /24)
- $2,500$/yr
- IPv6 /41
- $1,250/yr (free for first year, maybe completely free)
See also the detailed fee schedule.
- Multihomed
- An organization is multihomed if it receives full-time connectivity from more than one ISP and has one or more routing prefixes announced by at least two of its upstream ISPs.
- Minimal size
We are not currently multi-homed, according to that definition - which means we need to go for the minimal /20. source
this isn't so clear this page says that a /22 is available to "organization [that] intend to multi-home using the requested block"
- Utilisation deadline
resources need to be used within 90 days source
Comme c'est nos fournisseurs réseaux qui font l'annonce de nos ip, on veut faire la surveillance de l'annonce des ips sur le net. Bgpmon.net fait très bien l'affaire. Voici la configuration pour le moment.
Other procedures
Registering a PGP key
We can use PGP to communicate with ARIN...
Migration vers les nouveaux netblocks 2012
Voir: AllocationIp/ReallocationPlan2012.
See also IPv6 and AllocationIp#ARIN_IPv6.
Allocation size
Koumbit has received a netblock from ARIN (a /36). A /48 has 65,536 sub-networks of 18,446,744,073,709,551,616 IP addresses (/64). We are more likely to get a /32 however, which is 65,536 /48 networks, or a /36, which is only 256 /48 networks.
On doit fournir cette information:
In the next 1, 2, and 5 years, estimate how much space you plan to assign to customers? (e.g. how many /64s, /56s, /48s, and other prefix sizes you will be assigning?)
Comme Anarcat écrivait dans une LettreDuVendredi:
79228162514264337593543950336 (296 ou 7.9E28), le nombre d'IPs (IPv6) qu'on aurait en faisant une demande a l'ARIN. C'est l'équivalent d'avoir 4 billions (2^32) de réseaux de 4 billions de réseaux (oui, encore) de 4 billions d'IPs. Pour comparaison, il y a 4 billion d'IPs dans l'internet IPv4 actuel. Donc on aurait la capacité d'adresser 16 billions de billions d'internets, juste pour nous.
C'est immense.
Voir aussi:
According to our current IPv4 allocation, we could get, at no extra cost, a /36 allocation. This is what we've requested and received. See AllocationIp#ARIN_IPv6
General allocation plan
Addresses could be allocated in the following way:
- -Assign an IPv6 address automatically (radvd) for the main IP of each machine. (This should work OK with the public/private vlan scheme, since the switch filters by port, not IP)-
- One /64 block for HAG, but keep most users on the same IP, assign a new IP from that /64 for each SSL site. (this way they are all in the same block)
- One /64 block per server / vserver. This way clients can allocate an IP per vhost, which is the recommended way. This requires modifying the routing tables, so more difficult to automate.
À noter aussi que dans la configuration ci-haut, une règle de routage est ajoutée pour chaque /64 assigné à un client ou une machine. Il serait peut-être possible d'éviter ce problème en ayant l'IP du routeur comme un /48 et assigner des /64 au client, mais mettre /48 comme netmask.
Autres politiques à respecter:
allocation end-user: /48, mais souvent on alloue un /56 (3177 was obsoleted by 6177)
- different BGP announcements require a maximum prefix size of /48, /32 is more usual
allocate at least a /48 per datacenter (source)
sparse allocation: we allocate in the middle of the available netblock (source) - 3531 contradicts 5375 section 2.4, yay
put the VLAN id in the address? (rfc5375, section 2.4)
- No subnets will use prefixes longer than /64.
interconnects: allocate a /64 use a /126 or /127 and read 3627
- allocate on nibble boundaryes (4 bit, one hex digit)
RFCs galore
3531: "A Flexible Method for Managing the Assignment of Bits of an IPv6 Address Block", 2003
5375: "IPv6 Addressing Considerations" - December 2008
v6ops: working document, 2013
3177: "IAB/IESG Recommendations on IPv6 Addresses" - September 2001 obsoleted by 6177
6177: "IPv6 Address Assignment to End Sites", March 2011
3849: "IPv6 Documentation Address" - July 2004
6883: "IPv6 Guidance for Internet Content Providers and Application Service Providers", March 2013
3627: "Use of /127 Prefix Length Between Routers Considered Harmful", September 2003
Autres références
Questions en suspend
- sparse ou compact?
- SLAAC? est-ce qu'on fait une allocation automatique puis on route le bloc d'IP vers le SLAAC?
- /48, /56 ou /64 aux machines colo, VPS, VPN?
- bgm: /48 par machine physique, /64 pour un VPS.
- /44 pour le core est enorme, on suggere /48 dans la docu que j'ai lu et meme ca est enorme
- -est-ce qu'on va passer le test du "host density" avec un /36??-
- ARIN a alloué un /32
- est-ce que c'est joli? il devrait être facile de déterminer à quel network / emplacement une IP appartient...
Plan proposé pour 2602:ff21::/32
Attention! Il y a une erreur dans ce plan d'allocation, parce que la délégation de ARIN est un /36, pas un /32!!
2602::ff21::/32 2602:ff21:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx | | | | | | | --------┬---------╯ | | | | | | | /64 par VM | | | | | ╰----------┬---------╯ | | | | | /56 par serveur KVM | | - incluant colo? peuvent être /64 (comme chez OVH) | | - si dans un /40, 65k machines par service | | - si dans un /48, 255 machines par service | | (assume max 255 VMs par serveur) | | (et si jamais tech change -> nouveau type de service ou </64 par VM) | | | | Ex: 2602:ff21:5000:0100::/56 à 2602:ff21:5000:01ff::/56 = KVM 0 | | 2602:ff21:5000:0200::/56 à 2602:ff21:5000:02ff::/56 = KVM 1 | | 2602:ff21:5000:ff00::/56 à 2602:ff21:5000:ffff::/56 = KVM 0xFF | | 2602:ff21:50ff:ff00::/56 à 2602:ff21:5000:ffff::/56 = KVM 0xFFFF | | | ╰-------------------------╯ | | | /40 par type de service (0xff = 255 types de services) | | Ex: 2602:ff21:5000::/40 à 2602:ff21:50ff::/40 = VPS service | 2602:ff21:5100::/40 à 2602:ff21:51ff::/40 = Colo service | 2602:ff21:5200::/40 à 2602:ff21:52ff::/40 = VPN service | 2602:ff21:5300::/40 à 2602:ff21:52ff::/40 = ... | 2602:ff21:ff00::/40 à 2602:ff21:ffff::/40 = Unicorn service | ╰---------------------------╯ | /36 par "point of presence" (POP), 16 POPs Ex: 2602:ff21:1000::/36 à 2602:ff21:1fff::/36 = POP 1 Ex: 2602:ff21:2000::/36 à 2602:ff21:2fff::/36 = POP 2 Ex: 2602:ff21:f000::/36 à 2602:ff21:ffff::/36 = POP 0xF
RFC 3849 (exemple)
Ceci n'est pas une allocation réelle! Le bloc 2001:0DB8::/32 est seulement un exemple, tiré du RFC 3849.
Nous avons maintenant une allocation IPv6 (voir AllocationIp#ARIN IPv6). Cette allocation est un exemple de comment les choses pourraient être séparées avec IPv6, en admettant qu'on a 2001:0DB8:a000::/36 (16 x /40):
- 2001:0DB8:a000::/40
- pop0: tour - 16 x /44
- 2001:0DB8:A000::/44
- core0
- 2001:0DB8:A000::/48
- core0
- 2001:0DB8:A000::/64
- core0 automatic allocation
- 2001:0DB8:A000::1/64
- main core router
- 2001:0DB8:A001::/48
- core0-resv1
- 2001:0DB8:A010::/44
- pop0-resv1
- 2001:0DB8:A020::/44
- pop0-resv2
- 2001:0DB8:A030::/44
- pop0-resv3
- 2001:0DB8:A040::/44
- VPS, colos et dédi (16k x /56)
- 2001:0DB8:A040::/48
- colo0 (256 x /56)
- 2001:0DB8:A040:00::/56
- colo0-main0
- 2001:0DB8:A040::/64
- colo0-main0
- 2001:0DB8:A040::1/64
- colo0-main0 colo gateway
- 2001:0DB8:A040:1::/64
- reserved?
- 2001:0DB8:A040:100::/56
- reserved...
- [...]
- ...
- 2001:0DB8:A040:1000::/56
- colo client 1 (start allocating in the middle)
- 2001:0DB8:A040:1001::/56
- colo client 2
- [...]
- + 253 /56 colo clients
- 2001:0DB8:A040:FFFF::/56
- colo client FFFF
- 2001:0DB8:A041::/48
- colo0-resv0
- 2001:0DB8:A042::/48
- colo0-resv1
- [...]
- + 5 /48 colo0-resvN
- 2001:0DB8:A048::/48
- vps0 (256 x /56)
- 2001:0DB8:A049::/48
- vps0-resv9
- 2001:0DB8:A04A::/48
- vps0-resvA
- [...]
- + 5 /48 vps0-resvN
- 2001:0DB8:A04F::/48
- vps0-resvF
- 2001:0DB8:A050::/44
- pop0-resv5
- 2001:0DB8:A060::/44
- pop0-resv6
- 2001:0DB8:A070::/44
- pop0-resv7
- 2001:0DB8:A080::/44
- shared0
- 2001:0DB8:A080::/48
- Koumbit main colo netel shared hosting (aegir) vlan
- 2001:0DB8:A081::/48
- Koumbit main colo netel shared hosting (alternc) vlan
- 2001:0DB8:A090::/44
- pop0-resv9
- 2001:0DB8:A0A0::/44
- pop0-resvA
- 2001:0DB8:A0B0::/44
- pop0-resvB
- 2001:0DB8:A0C0::/44
- pop0-resvC
- 2001:0DB8:A0D0::/44
- pop0-resvD
- 2001:0DB8:A0E0::/44
- pop0-resvE
- 2001:0DB8:A0F0::/44
- pop0-resvF
- 2001:0DB8:a100::/40
- pop1-resv
- 2001:0DB8:a200::/40
- pop2-resv
- 2001:0DB8:a300::/40
- pop3-resv
- 2001:0DB8:a400::/40
- pop4: vpns (16 x /44, each into a /56 per client, so 65k clients)
- 2001:0DB8:a400::/44
- vpn0 (4096 x /56)
- 2001:0DB8:a400::/56
- client A
- 2001:0DB8:a410::/44
- vpn1-resv
- [...]
- +14 /44 libres pour les VPNs
- 2001:0DB8:a800::/40
- pop8 (office)
- 2001:0DB8:a800::/44
- office0-dmz
- 2001:0DB8:a810::/44
- office1-priv
- [...]
- +13 /44 libres
- 2001:0DB8:a900::/40
- pop9-resv
- 2001:0DB8:aa00::/40
- popA-resv
- 2001:0DB8:ab00::/40
- popB-resv
- 2001:0DB8:ac00::/40
- popC: accès commuté (théorique)
- 2001:0DB8:ad00::/40
- popD-resv
- 2001:0DB8:ae00::/40
- popE-resv
- 2001:0DB8:af00::/40
- popF-resv
Plan proposé pour 2602:ff21::/36
Réviser ce plan et le comparer avec les deux plans ci-haut pour déterminer le bon à prendre. Correspond plus ou moins au plan RFC 3849 ci-haut, mais en forme graphique et avec des exemples et modifications.
Ci-bas, on alloue des IPs automatiquement en SLAAC dans le premier /64 des /44 pour pas avoir à gosser avec le routage ou le DHCP pour avoir du réseau. Ensuite, si les machines veulent router plus d'IPs que leur SLAAC, on leur route un /56 statiquement ou en DHCPv6.
Par exemple, dans pop0-colo0 (2602:ff21:40::/44) on alloue le premier /64 (2602:ff21:40::/64) au SLAAC, et donc les machines là on une IP du style:
Ensuite, on peut déléguer un /56 ou un /64 en dessous, si nécessaire (ou automatiquement). Typiquement, on voudrait probablement l'allouer automatiquement pour des machines qu'on *sait* qu'elles auront besoin de plus d'IPs (e.g. les machines à VM, quoique là on délèguerait à Ganeti).
Voici un exemple de plan d'allocation du 2602::ff21::/36, tel qu'imaginé par TheAnarcat un samedi après-midi en révisant le plan d'allocation RFC-3849 fait ci-haut par lui-même et le plan graphique fait par MathieuLutfy un peu plus tard:
2602:ff21:0xxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx ||| | | ||| | --------┬---------╯ ||| | | ||| | /64 par VM ||| | ||| ╰----------┬---------╯ ||| | ||| /56 par serveur KVM ||| - incluant colo? peuvent être /64? ||| - si dans un /40, 65k machines par service ||| - si dans un /44, 14k machines par service ||| - si dans un /48, 255 machines par service ||| (assume max 255 VMs par serveur) ||| (et si jamais tech change -> nouveau type de service ou </64 par VM) ||| ||| Ex: 2602:ff21:100:0100::/56 à 2602:ff21:100:01ff::/56 = KVM 0 in office ||| 2602:ff21:100:0200::/56 à 2602:ff21:100:02ff::/56 = KVM 1 in office ||| 2602:ff21:100:ff00::/56 à 2602:ff21:100:ffff::/56 = KVM 0xFF ||| 2602:ff21:100:ff00::/56 à 2602:ff21:100:ffff::/56 = KVM 0xFFFF ||| ||| ||| Ex: 2602:ff21:40::/64 à 2602:ff21:40::ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff/64 = pop0-colo0-slaac ||| Ex: 2602:ff21:40:100::/56 à 2602:ff21:40:1ff::/56 = pop0-colo0-client0-deleg0 ||| ||| ie. un /56 routé vers le /64 autonmatiquement alloué à la colo, sur demande ou automatiquement avec DHCPv6 ||╰------------------------╯ || | || /44 par "service" (0xf = 16 services) || || Ex: 2602:ff21::/44 à 2602:ff21:f::/44 = pop0-core0 || 2602:ff21:10::/44 à 2602:ff21:1f::/44 = pop0-resv1 || 2602:ff21:20::/44 à 2602:ff21:2f::/44 = pop0-resv2... || ... || 2602:ff21:40::/44 à 2602:ff21:4f::/44 = pop0-colo0 || ... || 2602:ff21:80::/44 à 2602:ff21:8f::/44 = pop0-shared0 || ... || 2602:ff21:a0::/44 à 2602:ff21:af::/44 = pop0-vps0... || ... || 2602:ff21:f0::/44 à 2602:ff21:ff::/44 = pop0-resvF... || |╰-------------------------╯ | | | /40 par "point of presence" (PoP) (0xf = 16 PoP) | | Ex: 2602:ff21::/40 à 2602:ff21:ff::/40 = pop0: tour = 16 x /44 | 2602:ff21:100::/40 à 2602:ff21:1ff::/40 = pop1: office | 2602:ff21:200::/40 à 2602:ff21:2ff::/40 = pop2: resv | 2602:ff21:300::/40 à 2602:ff21:3ff::/40 = pop3: e.g. anycast | 2602:ff21:f00::/40 à 2602:ff21:fff::/40 = popf: resv | ╰--------------------------╯ | 2602::ff21:/36