Trying to keep track of my go-to (and not) learning resources.
For front end things,
MDN and
CSS Tricks and, to a lesser extent,
Smashing Mag (they have a wordpress tag that's great for finding high quality content about wp developmetn) and
are where I turn to first.
- free code camp (do courses then work projects for non profits)
HTML & CSS basics -
youtube ... tons of tutorials of varying quality on youtube, the playback speed control is yr friend <3 (don't waste yr time with 1x speed, people talk slooowly) -- will try to post channels here
Layout Land Channel - REALLY GREAT! using CSS to create layouts -- lots of grid help!
Montreal Drupal Assocation - videos recorded at Montreal DrupalCamp
John Morris - PHP, OOP, some codey wordpress
CS50 - Youtube Channel - this MOOC is available on edX, but their youtube channel has lots of little tutorials as well as full lectures
Codrops - web design and development blog that features tutorials and 'blueprints' that you can use or adapt for your own needs
free e books
Free Programming Books - massive list of free programming (+) books, sorted by technology
The JS Way - intro level javascript - meant for total beginners (no previous programming assumed)
- includes excerices that guide you through builing a lil app
How to Make Sense of Any Mess by Abby Covert - free, online ebook introduction to information architecture, includes worksheets & excercices that you can do with clients
A MOOC = Massive Open Online Course; mostly university/college classes that have been adapted for online learning. Varies from self-paced to courses on a schedule, but even time based courses usually remain open to self-paced learners if you're not getting a certificate. Most platforms offer MOOCs for free with the option of paying for the course in order to get a certificate of completion.
- CS50x - intro to computer science - is relatively well known as a good course, teaches fundamentals of programming, computing
- Linux Foundation's Intro to Linux
- codecademy (good primer to a new thing, actual excercises require a subscription)
Udacity - great for learning networking, linux things - they have a networking for web developers course (all free except their 'nano degree' programs, which are guided learning paths)
(all have at least some free content and/or free trial periods)
Skillshare - 2 month free trial
- Get Started with CSS Grid by Rachel Andrew - short tutorials, classes, some free - 'informative tutorials explaining the code and the choices behind it all' - javascript-y - basic courses seem to be free, seems like most content is 'premium' - they have a jquery for noobs I'd like to go through
codeschool, pluralsight (video courses, they're okay but there aren't enough exercises to fully learn complicated things) - 1 month free trial
treehouse - video courses, haven't done any of them - 2 week free trial - 1 month free trial - pretty good, practical courses, lots are free, he has sales/there's a subscription option (I've done his bootstrap 3 course and am working through 'practical php')
(all have some free content though) indepth css layout course by rachel andrews, the first section is free - learn css really thoroughly, really quickly, from someone who understands exactly how it works/how different browsers interpret it (my login here)
- skillcrush
learn to code with me (blog about self directed online learning, lots of resources, some sponsored)
Individuals who share a lot!
brad frost's website is a portal to many different (front end) worlds
jen simmons - she does so much stuff, she's awesome - follow her on twitter, or youtube (she just started a channel called layout land) - she works as a designer advocate at mozilla so it's kinda her job to share free resources for web devs
Sara Soueidan - she writes about SVGs, CSSS, accessibility, animation, & +++
Rachel Andrew - lots of css grid stuff! and other new things in the css spec; has a great weekly newsletter
Eric Meyer - check out the toolbox!
jeremy keith - also look for him on youtube / vimeo, does lots of conference talks
Bloggers & Online Magazines
- a list apart
- smasshing mag
- css tricks
- The web ahead w jen simmons
- The big web show w jeffrey zeldman
- Rework (basecamp podcast)
- Style guide podcast w anna debenham and brad frost
- Unfinished business w andy clark
- Shop Talk w Chris Coyier and Dave Rupert (front end web / ux / incl frameworks + cms)
WordPress Weekly from WPTavern
Quelques ressources des fondateurs de basecamp:
37 signals, 1999 -
fancy version:
Shape Up - livre en ligne (gratuit):
- décrit les pratiques de basecamp comme: projets en phases de 6 semaines, 'shaping' le travail à faire, comment organiser le travail en équipe, gestion de risque
The Rework Podcast:
Command Line Crash Course - (pdf also saved in nue.k.n)
BaBE - Bash By Example - beginner shell scripting tutorial
tar - compress and extract -
rsync - copy / back up / sync -
and another beacuse rsync is gr8
I often just reference the man page cause it's pretty good
grep - g/re/p (globally search a regular expression and print) -
less - a pager, for reading files -
screen quick reference -
irssi + screen quick reference -
a few lists of important commands to know (because 'important' depends on...):
explain shell commands, using man page excerpts -
- great way to learn how a particular command works (ie. when you find something in documentation, on stackoverflow, etc...)
regular expressions - cheat sheet and test -
sql cheatsheet -
mysqldump cheatsheeet -