Installation procedure for CiviCRM 3.2 on

There is a CiviCRM platform. When creating sites in this platform, CiviCRM is automatically installed and enabled.

Installation Tips and Notes

Configuration variables

From Administer Civicrm -> global configuration:

Notes on triggers/views for multi-lingual

Possible MySQL issues

Dropping non-civiCRM tables (in a migration situation)

<!> Don't do this unless you are migrating a site into Aegir at the same time <!>

echo 'show tables' | drush sqlc | grep -v Tables_in | grep -v "+" | grep -v 'civicrm_' | gawk '{print "drop table " $1 ";"}' | drush sqlc

Other things to remember

[Deprecated] Overview of the installation procedure (old / manual installation)

In other words, here is what to expect:


// [ML]

// the directory name for your 'sites' location in drupal. We use the below location
// along with drupal 'conf_init()' function to figure out where the settings files
// are located. This is primarily used when we hit CiviCRM outside of 'Drupal' 
// (via mail/soap // etc)
define( 'CIVICRM_CONFDIR', '/var/alternc/html/a/admin/crm/sites' );


The above conf is also useful for the CiviMail cron, which is called directly (

If all went well, the last step would be to login to the Drupal site, go in the administrative panel and activate the civicrm module.

CiviCrm/Installation (last edited 2018-05-19 01:24:11 by anonymous)